LawFin Working Paper Series

No. Researcher/s Title Research Area
32 Francesco D’Acunto, Jin Xie, Jiaquan Yao Trust and Contracts: Empirical Evidence Pricing of Law
33 Elsa C. Massoc Climate Change Versus Price Stability: How ‘Green’ Central Bankers and Members of the European Parliament Became Pragmatic (Yet Precarious) Bedfellows Political Economy of Regulation
34 Francesco D’Acunto, Pulak Ghosh, Rajiv Jain, Alberto G. Rossi How Costly are Cultural Biases? Evidence from FinTech Pricing of Law
35 Bo Bian, Yingxiang Li, Casimiro Antonio Nigro Conflicting Fiduciary Duties and Fire Sales of VC-backed Start-ups Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention
36 Wolf-Georg Ringe Investor-led Sustainability in Corporate Governance Legislative Intervention
37 Andreas Neuhierl, Michael Weber Monetary Momentum Pricing of Law
38 Alperen Gözlügöl, Wolf-Georg Ringe Private Companies: The Missing Link on The Path to Net Zero Legislative Intervention, Financial Regulation
39 Patrick Augustin, Roy Chen-Zhang, Donghwa Shin Reaching for Yield in Decentralized Financial Markets Pricing of Law
40 Elsa C. Massoc How do Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) hold the European Central Bank (ECB) Accountable? A descriptive quantitative analysis of three accountability forums (2014-2021) Political Economy of Regulation
41 Patrick Augustin, Alexey Rubtsov, Donghwa Shin The Impact of Derivatives on Spot Markets: Evidence from the Introduction of Bitcoin Futures Contracts Pricing of Law
1 Casimiro Antonio Nigro, Jörg Stahl Venture Capital-backed Firms, Unavoidable Value-destroying Trade Sales, and Fair Value Protections Legislative Intervention
2 Matthias Thiemann, Tobias H. Troeger The Case for a Normatively Charged Approach to Regulating Shadow Banking - Multipolar Regulatory Dialogues as a Means to Detect Tail Risks and Preclude Regulatory Arbitrage Financial Regulation, Political Economy of Regulation
3 Peter Boenisch, Roman Inderst Using the Statistical Concept of “Severity” to Assess Seemingly Contradictory Statistical Evidence (with a Particular Application to Damage Estimation) Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention
4 João Granja, Christian Leuz The Death of a Regulator: Strict Supervision, Bank Lending and Business Activity Pricing of Law, Financial Regulation
5 Elsa C. Massoc Having “Banks Play Along” Varieties of State-Bank Coordination and State-Guaranteed Credit Programs During the Covid-19 Crisis Political Economy of Regulation
6 Bo Bian Globally Consistent Creditor Protection, Reallocation, and Productivity Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention
7 Andreas Barth, Valerie Laturnus, Sasan Mansouri, Alexander F. Wagner Conflicted Analysts and Initial Coin Offerings Financial Regulation
8 Matthias Breuer, Christian Leuz, Steven Vanhaverbeke Reporting Regulation and Corporate Innovation Legislative Intervention, Financial Regulation
9 Kizkitza Biguri, Jörg Stahl Who Pays a Visit to Brussels? Firm Value Effects of Cross-Border Political Access to European Commissioners Political Economy of Regulation
10 Dionysia Katelouzou, Mathias Siems The Global Diffusion of Stewardship Codes Legislative Intervention
42 Katja Langenbucher Consumer Credit in the Age of AI – Beyond Anti-discrimination Law Pricing of Law
11 Vincenzo Pezone The Real Effects of Judicial Enforcement Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention
43 Matthias Breuer, Patricia Breuer Uneven Regulation and Economic Reallocation: Evidence from Transparency Regulation Financial Regulation
12 Gabriel Jiménez, David Martinez-Miera, José-Luis Peydró Who Truly Bears (Bank) Taxes? Evidence from Only Shifting Statutory Incidence Pricing of Law
14 Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas Reflective Willingness to Pay: Preferences for Sustainable Consumption in a Consumer Welfare Analysis Pricing of Law
13 Renée B. Adams, Amir N. Licht Shareholders and Stakeholders around the World: The Role of Values, Culture, and Law in Directors’ Decisions Legislative Intervention
15 Alina K. Bartscher, Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Paul Wachtel Monetary Policy and Racial Inequality Pricing of Law
45 Rainer Haselmann, Arkodipta Sarkar, Shikhar Singla, Vikrant Vig The Political Economy of Financial Regulation Political Economy of Regulation
44 Rainer Haselmann, Thomas Kick, Shikhar Singla, Vikrant Vig Capital Regulation, Market-Making, and Liquidity Financial Regulation
50 Rainer Haselmann, Shikhar Singla, Vikrant Vig Supranational Supervision Financial Regulation
16 Francesco D’Acunto, Ulrike Malmendier, Michael Weber Gender Roles and the Gender Expectations Gap Pricing of Law
17 Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia S. Mitchell Do Required Minimum Distribution 401(k) Rules Matter, and for Whom? Insights from a Lifecylce Model Financial Regulation
48 Jannis Bischof, Rainer Haselmann, Frederik Kohl, Oliver Schlueter Limitations of Implementing an Expected Credit Loss Model Financial Regulation
18 Holger Spamann Indirect Investor Protection: The Investment Ecosystem and Its Legal Underpinnings Legislative Intervention
19 Thomas Keusch Shareholder Activists and Frictions in the CEO Labor Market Legislative Intervention
20 Markus Behn, Rainer Haselmann, Vikrant Vig The Limits of Model-Based Regulation Financial Regulation
46 Ramin Baghai, Rui Silva, Luofu Ye Teams and Bankruptcy Legislative Intervention
21 Francesco D'Acunto, Andreas Fuster, Michael Weber Diverse Policy Committees Can Reach Underrepresented Groups Legislative Intervention
47 Shikhar Singla Regulatory Costs and Market Power Pricing of Law
22 Rainer Haselmann, Christian Leuz, Sebastian Schreiber Know Your Customer: Informed Trading by Banks Pricing of Law, Financial Regulation
49 Julian Franks, Meng Miao, Oren Sussman Resolving Financial Distress Where Property Rights Are Not Clearly Defined: The Case of China Pricing of Law
23 Bo Bian, Jean-Marie Meier, Ting Xu Cross-Border Property Rights and the Globalization of Innovation Financial Regulation
51 Francesco D’Acunto, Philip Schnorpfeil, Michael Weber Big Brother Watches You (Even When He's Dead): Surveillance and Long-run Conformity Pricing of Law
24 Sebastian Steuer, Tobias Tröger The Role of Disclosure in Green Finance Pricing of Law, Financial Regulation
52 Alperen A. Gözlügöl, Julian Greth, Tobias H. Tröger The Regulatory Consequences of the Oscillating Domains of Public and Private Markets Pricing of Law
25 Alperen A. Gözlügöl The Clash of ‘E’ and ‘S’ of ESG: Just Transition on the Path to Net Zero and the Implications for Sustainable Corporate Governance and Finance Legislative Intervention, Financial Regulation, Political Economy of Regulation
26 Elsa C. Massoc Banks’ Structural Power and States’ Choices Over What Structurally Matters. The Geo-Economic Foundations of State Priority Towards Banking in France, Germany and Spain Political Economy of Regulation
27 Tobias Berg, Thomas K. Kick, Rainer Haselmann, Sebastian Schreiber Unintended Consequences of QE: Real Estate Prices and Financial Stability Financial Regulation
28 Maximilian Lubda, Elsa Massoc Social Media, Polarization and Democracy: A Multi-Methods Analysis of Polarized Users’ Interactions on Reddit’s r/WallStreetBets Political Economy of Regulation
29 Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas Prospective Welfare Analysis - Extending Willingness-to-Pay Assessment to Embrace Sustainability Pricing of Law
30 Elsa C. Massoc Fifty Shades of Hatred and Discontent - Varieties of Anti-finance Discourses on the European Twitter (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) Political Economy of Regulation
31 Cornelia Woll Corporate Prosecutions: American Law Enforcement in Global Markets Political Economy of Regulation
53 Ioannis G. Asimakopoulos, Tobias H. Tröger Reform of the CMDI Framework - Driving Off With the Breaks On Financial Regulation
54 Luca Enriques, Casimiro A. Nigro, Tobias H. Tröger Venture Capital Contracting as Bargaining in the Shadow of Corporate Law Constraints Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention
55 Luca Enriques, Casimiro A. Nigro, Tobias H. Tröger Mandatory Corporate Law as an Obstacle to Venture Capital Contracting in Europe: Implications for Markets and Policymaking Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention
56 Luca Enriques, Casimiro A. Nigro No Private Ordering Please, We’re Italian Pricing of Law, Legislative Intervention